
Inventors, Entrepreneurs, Leaders and Wildcats for Life

You are advancing semiconductor technology, taking photos from space, operating reactors on a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, managing product supply for a Fortune 50 manufacturer and crafting spirits.

Whether you are thousands of miles from the UA campus or just around the corner, you are a part of the UA CHEE community. UA Chemical and Environmental Engineering depends on your insight, inspiration and support.

We owe a debt of gratitude to the members of each and every graduating class. Thank you!

Alumni Highlight

Lifelong Connections
Avery Royer, a recent Univ of AZ CHEE graduate

Avery Royer, a recent CHEE graduate, highlights the connections she formed with her classmates.

"The bonds I formed with my classmates are going to stick with me for the rest of my life. Some started out as study buddies and turned into lifelong friends."


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