Graduate Courses

Below on this page are CHEE graduate courses with syllabi and prerequisites. Many of the courses offered or required for the new Environmental Engineering ME are in other University of Arizona departments. For information on those non-CHEE courses, please see the individual department websites.

See the CHEE Graduate Handbook (PDF) for program details.

CHEE Grad Handbook (PDF)

Additional course information, including fees and grading bases, is available through the UA Catalog.

ATMO 569A: Air Pollution I: Gases

Units: 3
An introduction to the chemistry and physics of the troposphere and stratosphere. Topics include natural biogeochemical cycles; atmospheric photochemistry; stratospheric ozone; urban ozone and particulate matter; atmospheric visibility; acid deposition; air pollution meteorology; Gaussian plume model; photochemical model; air quality regulations. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework and other exercises. Concurrent with ATMO 469A.

Usually offered: Fall
ATMO 569B: Air Pollution II: Aerosols

Units: 3
An introduction to the chemistry and physics of atmospheric aerosols. Topics include aerosol sources and sinks; basic aerosol properties; single aerosol mechanics; aerosol population dynamics; atmospheric aerosol optics; aerosols and climate; aerosols and health; regional haze; aerosol measurement techniques. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework and other exercises. Concurrent with ATMO 469B.

Usually offered: Spring
CHEE 500R: Water Chemistry for Engineers
Units: 3

Introduction to primarily aqueous-phase equilibria governing water-quality characteristics of interest in potable water supply, wastewater treatment and natural waters. Topics include acid-base and metal-ligand equilibria, oxidation-reduction reactions, and chemical reaction thermodynamics. Some emphasis on equilibria governing interphase (gas-liquid, solid-liquid) chemical distribution. Mathematical approaches to prediction of equilibrium chemical speciation are stressed. Graduate-level requirements include application of canned computer algorithms to solve equilibrium chemistry problems.

Usually offered: Fall
CHEE 502: Advanced Engineering Analysis
Units: 3

Process modeling techniques, residence time distribution theory, dynamics of distributed parameter systems, nonlinear parameter estimation.

Usually offered: Fall
CHEE 503: Research Proposal Writing for Chemical Engineers
Units: 3

The purpose of this graduate-level course is to develop the writing and oral presentation skills necessary for the preparation of original research proposals in chemical engineering. The course will cover topics in principles of effective writing and composition; fundamentals of technical communication (written and oral); literature reviews; grant opportunities and strategies; professional ethics in research activities; "grantsmanship"; and professional development at the graduate and post-graduate level.  The course will emphasize practical development of skills through practicums and peer-review exercises.  Preparation and review of an original proposal will be required for completion of this course.

Usually offered: Spring
CHEE 505: Advanced Chemical Engineering Transport Phenomen
Units: 3

Momentum, energy and mass transport in continua, solution of multidimensional laminar flow problems, turbulence, boundary layer theory.

Usually offered: Fall
CHEE 506: Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
Units: 3

Advanced applications of First and Second Laws, nonideal gases and liquids and their mixtures, principles of chemical equilibrium, and molecular theory.

CHEE 512: Electrochemical Engineering
Units: 4

This course is suited to people with a physical sciences background who have not been trained as electrochemists, but who want to add electrochemical methods to their repertoire. There are many disciplines in which it would be advantageous to understand and use some electrochemical methods to complement the work that they are doing. The following topics will be covered: 1) Introduction and Overview of Electrode Processes 2 )Chemical vs. Electrochemical Thermodynamics and cell potentials, Nernst equation, electrode-solution interface, double-Layer structure, and adsorption and applications in analytical electrochemistry and sensors 3) Chemical Stoichiometry vs. Faraday's Law and coulometry, bulk electrolysis 4) Chemical vs. Electrochemical Kinetics and electrode reactions, rates, mechanisms and rate constants, mass transport, Butler-Volmer, Tafel, and Levich equations 5) Kinetic Methodology and potential step and sweep methods, polarography, controlled-current techniques, controlled mass transport approaches, rotating electrodes, microelectrodes, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy 6) Electrochemical Instrumentation and voltmeters, potentiostats, cells, counter and reference electrodes, etc. Also included, if time permits: 7) Coupled Characterization Methods and modified electrodes, spectroelectrochemistry, in-situ neutron scattering, surface analysis, etc. 8) Scanning Probe Techniques and scanning electrochemical microscopy, AFM, etc. Concurrent with CHEE 412.

Usually offered: Fall
CHEE 514: Sustainable Water Supplies for Remote Communities
Units: 4

This capstone course integrates engineering and science disciplines with humanities to fully prepare students for the interdisciplinary collaboration required to tackle the Food, Energy and Water Systems (FEWS) challenges of indigenous communities with skill, respect and fellowship. This 4-credit hour course is designed to combine the aspects of the FEWS in engineering, although the course is open to all graduate students. The course primarily focuses on the “water” aspect of the food, energy and water nexus at the start of the course. The second half of the course will tie in the rest of the FEWS subjects into a design project. The course will be a mixture of lecture and project-based learning. Topics to be covered are: regulatory approaches to water quality, water engineering, water issues specifically in Arizona, and a final design project.

Usually offered: Spring of even-numbered years.
CHEE 525: Emerging Issues in Water Quality
Units: 3

This course will investigate, discuss, and debate major emerging water quality issues which threaten our water sustainability and the regulatory paradigms to address these challenges.

Usually offered: Spring
CHEE 530: Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering
Units: 3

Kinetics of heterogeneous reaction systems, non-ideal flow reactor models, reactor stability, analysis of industrial reactors.

Usually offered: Spring
CHEE 537: Surface Science
Units: 3

Fundamental material, electrical and chemical properties of solid metal, semiconductor, insulator and organic surfaces applied to selected gas-solid surface chemical reactions important in semiconductor processing and heterogeneous catalysis. This course is designed to introduce students to the chemistry and physics of solid surfaces and interfaces with an emphasis on the gas-solid interface. The first half of the course is devoted to learning the fundamental material, electrical and chemical properties of solid surfaces. The second half covers applying these fundamentals to topics in chemical catalysis and integrated circuit manufacture. Concurrent with CHEE 437.

Usually offered: Spring
CHEE 542: Bioremediation of Inorganic Contaminants
Units: 2

This course focuses on biological remediation techniques for inorganic contaminants (nitrogen and sulfur-containing compounds, iron, heavy metals, metalloids and radionuclides). The course explores fundamental chemical and biological processes as well as engineering aspects.

Usually offered: Spring
CHEE 572: Interfacial Chemistry of Biomolecules in Environmental Systems
Units: 3

Introduction to the chemical and adhesive properties of macromolecules at interfaces. The fundamental physico-chemical forces that govern adsorption of macromolecules at interfaces and inter-particle adhesion will be discussed. Topics such as surface tension, self-assembly, adsorption of polymers and biomolecules, and bacterial cell adhesion will be discussed with emphasis on environmental applications. Identical to WES 572. (Offered even academic years only).

Usually offered: Spring (alternating)
CHEE 574: Fate and Transport Processes in Environmental Engineering

Units: 3
Processes affecting mass transfer and transformation in natural and engineered environmental systems. Process modeling using reactor models. Mass transfer kinetics and equilibrium. Mass and energy balances. Concurrent with CHEE 474.

Usually offered: Spring
CHEE 575: Water Treatment System Design

Units: 3
Application of theory and engineering experience to the design of unit operations for the production of potable water. Covers water regulations, conventional treatment technologies and selected advanced treatment topics. Graduate-level requirements include a research paper. Concurrent with CHEE 475.

Usually offered: Fall
CHEE 576: Wastewater Treatment Design System

Units: 3
Application of theory and engineering experience to the design of unit operations for the treatment of wastewater. Covers water regulations, conventional treatment technologies and selected advanced treatment topics. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework problems, a course paper, and additional exam questions. Concurrent with CHEE 476.

Usually offered: Spring
CHEE 578: Introduction to Hazardous Waste Management

Units: 3
Management, planning, legal and engineering aspects of liquid and solid hazardous waste treatment and disposal. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework problems, a term paper, and additional exam questions. Concurrent with CHEE 478.

Usually offered: Spring
CHEE 581A: Engineering of Biological Processes
Units: 3

Application of design of biological systems principles of engineering, science and mathematics, including statistics, kinetics, sensors, and bioreactor design and scale-up. Exploration of principal areas of biological engineering, such as food process engineering, tissue engineering and large-scale fermentation processes. Graduate-level requirements include an oral presentation and belonging to the Journal Club. Identical to ABE 481A/581A. Concurrent with CHEE 481A.

Usually offered: Spring
CHEE 581B: Cell and Tissue Engineering

Units: 3
Development of biological engineering methods including applied genetics, metabolic regulation, and bioreactors employed in industrial processes for manufacture of pharmaceuticals and in the design of tissue engineered devices to replace normal physiological function. Graduate-level requirements include two additional design projects, homework problems requiring a greater degree of mathematics, and exams containing questions which evaluate a higher level of thought processes. Concurrent with CHEE 481B.

Usually offered: Spring
CHEE 582: Analysis of Emerging Environmental Contaminants
Units: 3

Contaminants of emerging concern are major scientific and political issues. Many have been detected in air, water, soil and biota, and most are identified and quantified using nonstandardized methods, often with limited or questionable quality assurance and quality control. At times, public policy and resource allocation are based on these uncertain data. There are thousands of potential contaminants for which no analytical methodologies have been developed. Through this course, students become familiar with the diversity of analytical (instrumental) and bioanalytical (bioassay) tools currently available, and discover the pros and cons of each approach. The class also discusses future opportunities, such as development of online sensors and miniaturization of environmental methods. While the emphasis of the course is on water analysis, the class also briefly discusses implications for other environmental matrices, such as biosolids, sediments, solids, tissues, body fluids and aerosols. Contaminants are discussed in terms of classes (such as pharmaceuticals, steroid hormones, nanoparticles, metals, disinfection byproducts) and physical chemical properties (such as water solubility, pH, volatility, molecular weight and molecular geometry). This class provides a hands-on experience with key instrument platforms, such as gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection, inductively coupled plasma with mass spectrometric detection, liquid chromatography with diode array UV, fluorescence and mass spectrometric detection. Cellular and whole animal bioassays for the screening of complex mixtures of contaminants are discussed and demonstrated. Key principles of toxicity identification and evaluation are covered, along with real-world examples of how to determine causes of observed environmental toxicity. Students work independently and in groups to investigate a key issue relative to environmental analysis, write a paper on this topic, and present and defend their findings before the class. Concurrent with CHEE 482.

Usually offered: Spring
CHEE 583: Introduction to Polymeric Materials

Units: 3
The aim of this course is to develop a working understanding of the foundations of polymeric materials. Successful completion of this course will allow you to understand basic polymer chemistry, characterization of polymers, and polymer behavior. Topics covered include the structure of polymers, mechanisms of polymer synthesis, characterization methods (including calorimetric, mechanical, rheological, and X-ray-based techniques), and their electronic, mechanical, and thermodynamic properties. Special classes of polymers: engineering plastics, semiconducting polymers, photoresists, and polymers for medicine. Concurrent with CHEE 483.

Usually offered: Fall
CHEE 587: Topics in Transport Phenomena
Units: 3

Special topics in transport phenomena oriented toward practical applications in specific industrial and research areas. Topics include the dynamics of non-Newtonian fluids, thermal radiation, transport in multiphases systems, design of fluid transport systems, atmospheric transport and mechanics of interfaces. Concurrent with CHEE 487.

Usually offered: Spring
CHEE 589: Trends in Nanomedicine Engineering - Fundamentals of Therapeutics and Drug Delivery Systems
Units: 3

Nanomedicine engineering research involves the advance of diagnostics for rapid screening and monitoring, controlled and localized drug delivery, targeted cancer therapies, enhanced cell material interactions, scaffolds for tissue engineering and gene delivery systems amongst others. Developments in nanomedicine engineering to effectively benefit patients require the interaction of diverse disciplines including chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics, engineering, materials science, cellular and molecular biology, pharmaceutical sciences and clinical translational medicine. This interdisciplinary course will address how materials are fabricated and characterized, and how they interact in biological systems. The emphasis of the course will be in the application of therapeutics and controlled release drug delivery systems. Integration of biomaterial nanostructures and release analysis will be highlighted throughout the course. Through lectures, paper reviews, class discussions, experimental lab exposure, class presentations and homework assignments, students will develop an in-depth understanding of the various ways nanoparticles have been used as diagnostics tools, in advancing tissue engineering and in how drug delivery systems can be improved to overcome the problems associated with typical oral and intravenous administration. Several types of drug and gene delivery methods, including oral, transdermal, implantable, targeted and pulmonary, will be discussed. The course will highlight the rational design of drug delivery devices based on the fundamental understanding in engineering, pharmacology, chemistry and biomaterials science. Concurrent with CHEE 489.

Usually offered: Spring
CHEE 591 Preceptorship
Units: 3

Specialized work consisting of individual instruction and practice in chemical or environmental engineering. Activities may include instruction in laboratories and discussion sessions, and preparation and support of course materials.

Usually offered: Fall, Spring
CHEE 594 Practicum
Units: 3

Practical professional training. Student will play an engineer-in-training role within a municipal agency or consulting firm. These periods of apprenticeship or training and professional activities will be arranged in an ad hoc basis to the mutual satisfaction of student's advisor and the sponsoring agency. (1-5 units)

Usually offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
CHEE 597A Engineering GK-12
Units: 1

This workshop will support graduate fellows working in K-12 classrooms through the Engineering program. Through weekly discussions, reading and journaling, graduate students will reflect upon their classroom experiences, share teaching strategies and learn about the processes of teaching and learning engineering. May be repeated a maximum of 2 units or 2 completions.

Usually offered: Fall, Spring
CHEE 597B Engineering Outreach Methodology
Units: 1

This workshop will support graduate students interested in K-12 outreach and working in K-12 classrooms through the engineering program. Through weekly discussions, assignments, reading and journaling, graduate students will learn teaching methods and about how engineering concepts can be incorporated into everyday classes.

Usually offered: Spring
CHEE 599 Independent Study
Units: 3

Qualified students working on an individual basis with professors who have agreed to supervise such work. Graduate students doing independent work which cannot be classified as actual research will register for credit under course number 599. (1-3 units)

Usually offered: Fall, Spring
CHEE 676 Advanced Water and Wastewater Treatment
Units: 3

Advanced design for water and wastewater treatment. Emphasis on modern environmental engineering processes for water and wastewater treatment. Identical to CE 676.

Usually offered: Spring of odd-numbered years.
CHEE 696A Chemical and Environmental Engineering Graduate Seminar
Units: 1

The development and exchange of scholarly information, usually in a small group setting. The scope of work shall consist of research by course registrants, with the exchange of the results of such research though discussion, report and/or papers. May be repeated for credit 6 times.

Usually offered: Fall, Spring
CHEE 696C Topics in Mine Environment Management
Units: 1

Topics in state-of-the-art and practice for mine reclamation and environmental management of mine sites will be discussed from current literature. Students will gain an understanding of mining operations and the environmental impacts of the mine that need to be managed. Students will integrate readings in soil science, geology, hydrology, chemistry, biology, and engineering to formulate research topics.

Usually offered: Spring
CHEE 900 Research
Units: 3

Individual research, not related to thesis or dissertation preparation, by graduate students. May be repeated for a maximum of unlimited units or unlimited completions. (1-6 units) 

Usually offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
CHEE 909 Master's Report
Units: 3

Individual study or special project or formal report thereof submitted in lieu of thesis for master's degree. (1-4 units) 

Usually offered: Fall, Spring
CHEE 910 Thesis
Units: 3

Research for the master's thesis (whether library research, laboratory or field observation or research, artistic creation, or thesis writing). Maximum total credit permitted varies with the major department. May be repeated for a maximum of unlimited units or unlimited completions. (1-12 units) 

Usually offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
CHEE 920 Dissertation
Units: 3

Research for the doctoral dissertation (whether library research, laboratory or field observation or research, artistic creation, or dissertation writing). May be repeated for a maximum of unlimited units or unlimited completions. (1-12 units)

Usually offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Contact: Grace Fuller

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